Friday, June 02, 2006


Time slows
The music becomes
deep and distant.
The smell of the
burning candles
fills the air.
The light is soft and
flickers slowly,
at first
the wind picks up
and their flames
spin in circles.
The wax melts faster,
and soon small rivers
of deep red,
maroone, and
deep purple
wax flow
off their pedistals.
now I am on a trail.
A jungle.
standing on a dirt path.
it leads off in to the green.
I follow it to a watterfall.
the watterfall stays but a moment,
before falling away
to the other side of the bidge
and the bottom of the cliff.
It is not a high cliff, just enough.
The bridge is rope, and wood.
The other side is dark and green,
yet bright
and still misterious.
I follow and find a
small stone structure.
three steps lead to the top.
just a small platform.
Four wood poles
hold a roof of thatch
over this shrine.
in the center a small raised
stone cylender.
on the top flat surface,
just at kneeling hight,
is a gold, and wooden
I step foward
where walls would be
between the poles
walls of hard bright light
fill them in and every thing
else fogs over with
the bright mist of
the pureity eminating
from this room.
I open the chest;
ever so carefully.
and inside I find
my kie.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Memories of life.

I see her there.
Her picture in my eyes.
I love her now,
through tired eyes.
I want to be....
I want my life to be...
I want to remember what life can be...
I want to feel all there is to feel...
; lying in her arms.
My heart feels dead.
and when shes near
I feel so alive.
I want to be alive again,
so when shes near
she can hear
all the good things
she keeps in here.